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We Help Active People Aged 45+ Move Better, Feel Better, & Look Better…

(WITHOUT Relying on Painkillers, Surgery, “Slowing Down” or Visits to The GP.)

If you have found your way to this page, it’s likely that you have some sort of pain, injury or movement limitation that’s interfering with your ability to fully participate in, and enjoy life. If that is the case, then I assure you, that you have come to the right place. You may have a recent problem that you want to resolve quickly or you may have a problem that’s just not getting better, even after months or years.

People Who We Help Include…

Active Women

Who want to stay looking and feeling healthy and fit as they get older WITHOUT being slowed down by pain or stiffness.

They want to be able to rely on their bodies to stay moving with ease and vitality, so they can work, be the person their family can count on and still have energy left to enjoy exercise, evenings out and social engagements.

Men And Women Over 65

Who want to stay active, independent and mobile so they can keep up with their grandchildren, visit with friends, and go on holiday without worrying about balance, pain or stiffness ruining their plans.

​They don’t want to get ‘old’ before their time.

Health Conscious Men And Women Over 40

Looking to get into the best shape of their lives as they move into their 50s and beyond. They want to have energy for work, and be able to keep up and play with their children.

​They are feeling stiffer and have a few more aches than when they were younger. They have realised now is the time to get fitter and are not sure the best way to go about it.

Recreational Sports Athletes

Who enjoy sports like running, tennis, hiking, golf, climbing and keeping fit at the gym or yoga classes. Active adults looking to get back to recreational sport and exercise to stay looking and feeling fit and healthy.

Horse Riders

Who want to improve their body awareness, strength, flexibility and dynamic posture so they are better able to ride and communicate with their horse. They are looking to help and improve their horse’s movement rather than being a limitation for their horse.

They recognise that ideally the horse and rider are moving together in both physical and psychological harmony. The rider has the strength and skill to carry themselves and help the horse carry the rider.  The horse and rider have the sensitivity and communication of a shared language to be able to express themselves in movement together.


We know you have lots of plans that don’t include being limited by pain, injury or movement limitations. Imagine your life in 3 months without nagging and persistent aches, stiffness and movement limitations.

What could you be saying YES to, if pain or injury weren’t saying NO?

Can We Help By Listening To Your Story & Giving You More Information? Choose Which Option Works Best For You…


If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet, you might have some questions you would like answered first, so you can be 100% sure that we can help you. Click the button above to fill out a short form to request to speak with a physiotherapist first.


We understand you may want to find out more about the availability and cost of physiotherapy before booking an appointment. Click the button above and fill out the simple form. We’ll be happy to talk to you and determine whether we’re the best place for you (or not).


Are you unsure if physiotherapy is right for you? It could be that you’re not sure if it will help with your problem, or perhaps you’ve had a bad experience somewhere else in the past? If you’d like to come in and see for yourself how we can help, then click the button above and fill out the quick form to request your free discovery visit.

About Orson

Orsonprofile round

Orson helps dynamic adults stay active and mobile so they can enjoy all the activities that are important to them. Empowering you to take back control of your health so you can rely on your body, feel like yourself again and get back to enjoying life and all the activities that are important to you.

Orson had his dream job as a musician. In his early thirties he grew tired of the travelling. Life demanded that he connect more with himself beyond egotistical ambitions and to explore a calmer and more powerful connection of the body and mind. This naturally led to helping others connect with themselves and their body. His curiosity and passion to learn more to help meant he went from qualifying in remedial massage therapy, sports injury therapy and then physiotherapy.

In his continuing learning he discovered that much of what is commonly known about pain and our bodies is simply out of date and unhelpful. Our culture and even healthcare are full of misinformation. This often leaves people confused about what to do to help themselves.

He became frustrated after seeing too many people suffer unnecessarily from low value treatment programs that went on endlessly, unhelpful surgeries, unneeded medications or bad advice. He knew he had to provide a service where people can have an honest conversation about their health and what action to take, based on genuine clinical experience and sound scientific evidence.

With the right support and advice people can stay active and enjoying life without being stuck with the feeling of having a permanent ‘bad’ back, neck, knee, shoulder or foot. They can avoid feeling that they need to rely on ‘low value’ interventions which sometimes disempower and scare people into unnecessary and overly long lasting treatment programs.

As well as being a human physiotherapist Orson also works with horses as a Masterson Method equine bodyworker. He works with both horses and riders and is passionate about helping to facilitate better horse human relationships and communication. In his spare time he works with dancers as a flamenco guitarist.

Our Committment To You:

• We will ensure that any serious medical problem is ruled out, and that all the factors contributing to your pain, injury or movement limitation are explored and properly addressed. 

•  We will ensure that you have a clear understanding of your problem and your options for recovery. Your treatment alternatives will always be explained to you. You will be able to make an informed choice about the best treatment choices for your recovery and your life.

•  We will only recommend treatments and interventions with scientifically known benefits. We will be transparent about the benefits so you can decide on your plan of care. We will not scare or coerce you into having unnecessary treatment. 

•  Often pain and injury have a natural course of healing that requires no intervention other than diagnosis, reassurance, and a clear self-help plan (with as much support as you feel you need to stay on track). 

•  Some people also choose to include treatments with short term benefits to ease their recovery journey. Others choose minimal intervention focusing only on those with long term benefits. 

•  We are committed to providing a place where you can have an honest conversation about your health. A conversation founded on listening to you and understanding your concerns and goals and informed by years of clinical experience and a solid understanding of the scientific research. 

•  Our bodies are a naturally strong and able to heal. Our goal is to help you to understand and experience your inherent strength and resilience and to empower you to feel confident in your body and health. We are always here to support you but always aim to minimise any need for medical intervention.

What Other People Are Saying About Orson Wajih Physiotherapy…

David ended neck pain that made everyday life and driving difficult and is now feeling like himself again.

“I had severe burning pain down the left side of my neck It was like a thousand needles stabbing my neck each time I moved.

To cut the story short, I first saw my doctor who said that it was a strain and that the pain would go away in time …well I waited and the pain did not go away..I had several treatments by therapists of one form or the other but to no avail…..I was starting to find every day chores harder and harder including driving…(By now it was the middle of winter and the cold weather did not help)
However, I continued working through out and one day my boss said why not try his physiotherapist.. I had nothing to lose….

I met Orson Wajih at his practice, who thoroughly checked my neck and back area and after a little hard manipulation of the areas that were the problem I was given a few exercises to do before my next visit…. Four visits / weeks later I was almost back to my pain free self. What most impressed me was with Orson there was no flanneling just facts on how to make things better with a little help.

I have recommended Orson to several of my staff, clients and friends and ALL of them have been most impressed….Especially my partner who has suffered with severe back pain for years to the point of considering surgery…and now with exercises prescribed by Orson, he is so much better..
The moral of this story is DON’T be brushed off when in pain…Orson Wajih is not a miracle worker but the next best thing… “

David E.

Rana overcame neck & shoulder pain and in the process found a ‘life changing’ way to relieve stress

“I had burning pain in my shoulder and neck. I couldn’t carry a bag on my shoulder, even straps from clothes were uncomfortable. After physiotherapy the pain is gone and the breathing exercises you suggested have changed my life! They have helped with anxiety. I am able to fly without needing a pill to relax.”
Rana T.

Mark is back enjoying tennis and yoga with his shoulder feeling ‘stronger than ever before’.

“Since my shoulder was dislocated all those years ago I have never felt secure when using it be it for climbing, tennis or basketball. Recently I hurt that same shoulder playing tennis and I knew I would not be able to play tennis for some time.

My experience over the physiotherapy sessions has been overwhelmingly positive. I now better understand and feel reassured that I need not worry about full usage of my shoulder in the future.

Orson gave me carefully considered exercises that I have been doing on a regular basis and which now have my shoulder where it is stronger than it ever has been before.”

Mark D.

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