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Calm, Energy and Resilience Coaching

For People Looking To Increase Their Sense Of Calm, Manage Their Energy And Increase Their Resilience To Meet Life's Challenges. 

For passionate achievers who are feeling stressed out, in pain and disconnected from themselves and what’s important to them. 
We help you grow beyond being driven by worry or perfectionism, and instead clarify your inner wisdom so you have the grace, confidence and creativity to excel at work whilst staying connected with yourself and what you love.

Getting things done without losing one’s self in the process:
• Building your capacity to create space for your body-mind to process and move through stress responses rather than getting stuck, going into pain, overdrive or overwhelm.
• Having intention and discipline whilst staying present to yourself and the world. Expanding your embodied presence and wisdom more fully into your life, so you’re not always in an effortful ‘war’ with your mind.
• Building clarity and connection to your spiritual resource. Building an enduring embodied experience of that resource as present, here, now. 

Finding a sustainable rhythm to do what matters:
• Finding new, life enhancing ways of using your passion in a way that’s fulfilling and meaningful.
• Building your capacity for any increased ‘vigilance’ or ‘guilt’ that can occur when bending or disobeying your mind’s perfectionist rules.
• Developing a sustainable and flexible action plan. Handling setbacks, building self trust and acceptance when things ‘go wrong’ in an imperfect world. 

• Getting clarity on what is most important to you and being able to prioritise when there is seeming conflict between what matters.
•Developing a flexible response to your mind’s perfectionism: acting on it when it serves you, but not when it doesn’t.

Coaching using the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) model
A process of exploring what it means to you to live in a satisfying and meaningful way in all areas of life.  Developing skills and ways of taking effective action towards that valued life, by responding mindfully and skilfully to all your thoughts, emotions, sensations – even the unwelcome ones! To have resilience in the face of life’s challenges. So you can stay connected with yourself, what you love, and live with compassion towards yourself and others.

Put simply the goal is to help you build the skills to move towards creating a rich, full and meaningful life, while accepting the pain that inevitably goes along with being human. We cannot live fully without some uncomfortable thoughts, feelings or sensations. But we can learn the skills to respond in a way that minimises our suffering, and allows us to take action towards living a life we deeply value.

Technically speaking the goal of ACT processes is to increase ‘psychological flexibility.’
Psychological flexibility has two components:

1) The ability to be psychologically present – i.e. aware, attentive, open to, and engaged in your experience and connected to the world. Including making space for unwanted thoughts, feelings or sensations when they arise.
2) The ability to behave and take action towards living a valued life which deeply matters to you. Even in the presence of unhelpful thoughts, feelings or sensations.

What Other People Are Saying About Calm, Energy & Resilience Coaching…

Equipped With Inner Strength And Calm…
…Even In Life’s Challenging Situations.

“I was going through a challenging time of change in my life. I recognised that I had stopped doing everything I loved for so long – in other words I had stopped living. For the first time in my life I felt I needed help. It took so much courage to get help but I did it. My journey of self awareness, the work I have done on my own, and the support of the sessions with you has equipped me with inner strength.

I’ve come a long way since we started and I feel like a completely new person.
You have encouraged me to take care of myself physically and mentally. I know you’re not a psychologist but trust me the listening, breath-work and bodywork is so valuable!!

This awareness has helped me deal with my anxiety and life and it’s stresses. I have been able to maintain my sense of calm even in extremely challenging situations. I have been in situations where the uncertainty itself was a ‘killer’, and fortunately I was well equipped to survive it.” 

Rachel T.  50s

Living with stress but not being controlled by it…
…Making good decisions and able to let people down. 

At work I sometimes had a sense of dread at letting people down, or not meeting deadlines. This meant I placed a lot of pressure on myself, I didn’t say ‘no’ to people, and took on too many tasks. It felt like time was pre-allocated and there was none left to give to myself.

After coaching things feel very different. I am happier and more relaxed, more connected to the present moment, make better decisions and more mindful of the effects that stress can have so take better care of myself (usually!)  I have learnt how to live with stress but not be controlled by it. I am more relaxed about how much gets done. I make more decisions that benefit me and I am able able to let people down. I have learnt how to deal with uncomfortable thoughts and physical feelings and make good choices. I don’t worry about the physical sensations (neck, head and back pain) I have that I can’t completely control, which in turn means they are an issue less frequently. I have learnt how to deal with uncomfortable thoughts and physical feelings and make good choices.”

Emma H.  30s 

If you would like to know how Orson Wajih Coaching can help you live with more calm, energy and resilience we invite you to start with a no-obligation, completely FREE 20 minute discovery session. This a chance for you to learn more about how we can work together to develop your personal Calm, Energy and Resilience Program. This can be via an online video call, or in person at our physiotherapy clinic in Knightsbridge Central London.

Orson Wajih Coach
Accredited “Clean Coach for Leadership” endorsed by the Institute for Leadership and Management (ILM) 


Coaching using the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) model
Clean Language and Clean processes coaching
Motivational interviewing
Cognative behavioural therapy for insomnia
Equusoma® Level 2 Practical Intensive II (Somatic Experiencing®-inspired skills, and trauma-informed principles for human-equine interactions)