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Insomnia: Sleep Problems Are Easily Treated For Many People

Help For People Looking To Improve Sleep, Increase Their Energy, Sense Of Calm And Resilience To Meet Life's Challenges. 

Have you been finding yourself experiencing any of this?

• Are you having trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Waking up in the middle of the night or early morning?

• Is your busy mind keeping you awake worrying in the loneliness of nighttime?

• Have you lost touch with your old self? Poor concentration, low mood, worry and tiredness are affecting your enjoyment of daily life?

• You don’t like taking sleeping pills, but it’s the only thing that helps?

• Have you tried everything for insomnia? It’s been going on for months or years and you feel there’s no hope for improvement?

Do you feel that way too?

• Has it become normal to feel tired, stressed out, and be running on autopilot just to get through the day’s tasks and responsibilities? 

• Are you missing the headspace and energy to meaningfully connect with yourself and others in your life?

• Do you know that you would like to take care of yourself but it’s hard to find the time or space in your life?

• Are you finding yourself either rushed or exhausted, but rarely with a calm, focused energy to connect with enjoyment and to what is valuable to you? 

The Solution:

Unfortunately helping people with sleep is an unregulated industry. This means there are many unproven, costly products, and self appointed ‘ sleep experts’. When these do help it’s only in the short term, and can actually make things worse long term. You may then end up feeling like your problem is unique and untreatable. You end up relying on sleeping pills. But pills only work while you take them, they don’t solve the problem.

There is one insomnia intervention that has over 20 years of solid research behind it. It is natural and uses no medication. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommend it above pills (1). It has been shown to be effective in improving sleep in 70% of cases, even when people have been struggling for years and ‘tried everything’ (2). It’s called Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi).  It is part of the Calm, Energy and Resilience Programme that I offer.

Put simply insomnia is a problem of being too aroused when you want to sleep and too tired when you want to engage in life. CBTi finds out how and why your arousal levels are out of balance. Once we know exactly how and why your sleep is affected, we can create a tailor made and achievable plan that helps you to:

• Understand and address any mental (cognitive) and physical factors that are associated with your insomnia.

• Use simple, natural methods that you can easily incorporate so you can sleep better at night, and have energy to be present and enjoy your life during the day. 

What Other People Are Saying About The Calm, Energy & Resilience Program…

Sleeping Well Even In Times of Stress And Worry.
Rested And Able To Focus And Concentrate During The Day

“I was having trouble sleeping on and off for four years. During a time of stress I was waking during the night or waking up too early. It was effecting how well I could function, concentrate and focus the next day. I was coming back to the same worries about the future, about being able to do worthwhile work that is true to me. I was listening to too many people who may not give me positive thoughts. Negative thoughts left me feeling worthless and lacking in talent. 

The coaching series has help me to realise when negative thoughts are coming. I am becoming mentally stronger, and able to stave off being drowned by negative thoughts. I have learnt to overcome being hooked by the thoughts and instead go after what is important to me.

I feel much more settled. I feel like a new person, like a new life chapter. I have started a job that suits me. I am using my voice and going after what I want. I am experiencing less negative thoughts, and not getting ‘bogged down’ by negative thoughts if they are there. Not being swayed or gullible to other people’s negative opinions. I can go after what is important to me and don’t listen to suggestions that do not reflect my true self. I can do things in my own time line and don’t beat myself up, don’t be harsh but be kind to myself and realise we can’t be perfect all the time.

I am now sleeping without waking during the night. I am sleeping well and I feel rested and able to focus and concentrate during the day. “

Julia B. 40’s

No More Waking During The Night.

Your advice helped for when I have trouble sleeping – I have been concentrating on my breathing when I wake up in the night and it works fantastically well.  Thank you.” 

H.B  60s

Are you are interested to find out if the Calm, Energy and Resilience Program can finally help you sleep better? Are you hoping to have more energy to be present and enjoy your life during the day?

To find out more call: 

0207 235 3471

or click below to schedule a FREE 20 minute discovery session to learn more about how we can help your sleep. This can be via an online video call, or in person at our physiotherapy clinic in Knightsbridge Central London.

Can We Help By Listening To Your Story & Giving You More Information? Choose Which Option Works Best For You…


If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet, you might have some questions you would like answered first, so you can be 100% sure that we can help you. Click the button above to fill out a short form to request to speak with a physiotherapist first.


We understand you may want to find out more about the availability and cost of physiotherapy before booking an appointment. Click the button above and fill out the simple form. We’ll be happy to talk to you and determine whether we’re the best place for you (or not).


Are you unsure if physiotherapy is right for you? It could be that you’re not sure if it will help with your problem, or perhaps you’ve had a bad experience somewhere else in the past? If you’d like to come in and see for yourself how we can help, then click the button above and fill out the quick form to request your free discovery visit.

(1) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries.(2016).!scenariorecommendation:2
(2) Mitchell, M.D., Gehrman, P., Perlis, M., & Umscheid, C.A. (2012). Comparative effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a systematic review. BMC Family Practice 25: 13 – 40.