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How To Stop Neck & Shoulder Pain From Disturbing Your Sleep, ‘Slowing You Down’ or Endlessly Avoiding Doing The Things You Love.

If you are suffering from daily neck and/or shoulder pain then you know it can put a serious strain on living and enjoying life. From disturbing your sleep to draining your energy during day to day tasks like driving, carrying a bag or just turning your head to talk to a friend.  Neck problems can even cause headaches as well as pain or numbness spreading to the shoulder or down the arm.

Sometimes the neck can seem to ‘seize up’ for no apparent reason and you wake up unable to turn your head without pain. You may pass it off as having just ‘slept awkwardly’, or that it’s just a ‘spasm’ or a bit of stiffness that ‘everyone’ your age suffers from. There’s no obvious reason why it happened – but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better! Or you may have knowingly twisted or strained your neck or shoulder. It’s stopping you living an active life and you’re not sure what to do next.

Does any of this sound familiar?

•  Are you worried about neck and/or shoulder pain that isn’t going away on its own, no matter how much rest you’ve been told to do?

•  Do you suffer from sharp neck or shoulder pain? To the point where carrying a bag or exercising is almost impossible?    

•  Do you suffer from ‘tension headaches’? To the point where you feel tired, irritable and can’t concentrate?

•  Are you tossing and turning at night and unable to sleep? Because you can’t find a comfortable position to lie because of pain?

•  Is it hard to drive a car? Because neck stiffness means you can’t turn and look to reverse or turn corners?    

•  Have you been told you have ‘arthritis’, ‘disc degeneration?’ or ‘bulging discs’ in your neck? And are worried that you might need injections or dangerous neck surgery?

•  Do you have ‘shooting’ pain, ‘heaviness’ or ‘numbness’ down your upper back, shoulder or into your arm? 

•  Are you frustrated that things like physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, or acupuncture haven’t worked, and your pain seems to be getting worse?

•  Do you want nothing more than to just get back to living your normal lifestyle? Without feeling constant neck and shoulder pain holding you back.

If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone – we hear this type of thing all the time. In fact, Neck and Shoulder Pain are one of THE most common problems that we see in our Physiotherapy Clinic in Knightsbridge, Central London. 

When it comes to living with neck and shoulder pain, everybody we see wants to know:

“Why is This Happening to Me?”… 
  “Why Am I Still Suffering With Neck & Shoulder Pain After Putting Up With It For Months (Or Even Years)?

The good news is that while neck  pain can be seriously painful it is rare that you’ve done any serious damage or have a serious medical issue. Even though 99% of neck pain is not dangerous it can still be very painful and make life very uncomfortable so people often end up resting or taking painkillers. They can become concerned for their health after hearing worrying stories from friends and family, from articles on the internet or even from out of date health professionals. This can mean that the strategies to understand and deal with the pain actually cause more problems in the long run.

There may be underlying structural changes such as a disc bulge, arthritis or degenerative discs. However we now know that these are normal signs of ageing- most people without any pain also have these changes seen on imaging e.g. x-ray or MRI (often even in those under 30 years old). On the other hand some people have un-resolving pain but a scan finds nothing ‘wrong’. They are left frustrated and confused with ‘no diagnosis’. 

You may have an x-ray or MRI, which shows changes such as arthritis or a disc bulge but this doesn’t mean that you are destined to be in pain!

Our structure is not the only factor when we are in pain and may not be the most relevant. Successful resolution of pain and movement problems comes from addressing multiple factors specific to each individual. (Usually the structure doesn’t need to change- our bodies can accommodate things like arthritis or bulging discs.)

Our bodies are resilient and do heal. If people do the right things, then in most cases even agonising neck pain will resolve naturally in 3-6 weeks. However for some people their neck and shoulder pain goes on for months or even years longer than it should. When the pain doesn’t go away or it keeps coming back people begin to worry about their health. They feel frustrated that they can’t stay active. They can feel that pain is beginning to limit their life as they give up on activities that are important to them. They might feel like they’ve lost their energy and their ‘old self’ due to pain, nights of disturbed sleep or taking painkillers. They find it hard to enjoy their own life and be able take care of those who rely on them.

Have you been finding yourself asking any of these questions:

• “Why have I got this pain?”
• “How long is this going to last? Why has it not gone away yet, will I always have this?”
• “What do I need to do to get better?”
• “Do I need any help, and who should I see to get help?”

Maybe you are confused because you’ve been told different things, by different people. Maybe you think you have a neck problem – but it’s actually your shoulder where the problem is? It’s a very confusing part of the body to work out where the problem is, and this often leads people to procrastinate and put off making a decision about what to do to help fix their Neck and Shoulder pain. Worse, many people just end just accepting it as ‘part of life’ – as if it’s normal, as if it ‘has’ to be that way.

Do you feel that way too? 

Maybe you’ve been left confused by the many conflicting sources of health advice (internet, friends, co-workers, family and media). Unfortunately our culture, media and even healthcare professions are full of ideas about our bodies and health that are outdated and unhelpful. Usually there are simple things that you can do for yourself to get back to normal. But without good information you aren’t sure what they are. 

Is this how you feel?

Or, maybe you’ve been left feeling sceptical and let down because you’ve sought help from other healthcare professionals or a physiotherapist in the past, and despite what they said or did were unable to resolve your problem.

If you don’t know what you’re doing – neck and shoulder pain can be very confusing and because of this, many people just end up accepting it as ‘part of life’ – as if it’s normal, and ‘just the way it is’. If that sounds like you, then you are not alone. We hear these type of things in clinic everyday.

Have you experienced any of these situations listed below?
(Before coming here many of our current clients have.)

• Thought that neck & shoulder pain would go away on it’s own but it kept coming back or got worse. 

• Felt let down by doctors who only saw them for a few minutes without a physical examination and ended up prescribing rest and painkillers. The painkillers worked temporarily but made them feel ‘drowsy’, ‘unable to concentrate’, or ‘not themselves’.

• Thought that their yoga, gym, pilates or internet exercise advice would resolve it, but it didn’t help or even made things worse. And then ended up frustrated that they can’t exercise and keep fit.

•  Had a six week or longer wait to see an NHS physiotherapist. And then had a brief session with an inexperienced therapist and were only given a generic sheet of exercises – which did nothing to help. 

•  ‘Tried everything’ from all types of therapists to natural creams but found any relief was short lived and the pain came back.

•  Been told by friends or family that you should just rest and take things easy, but all that did was make things feel more stiff and uncomfortable.

•  Tried therapists who only gave ‘passive’ treatments.  This means only lying on a treatment table and being ‘worked on’ by hand or with machines. This may have felt good temporarily but the results didn’t last.

•  Been told by a friend or family member that ‘we all get aches and pains as we get older’ and come to accept it as part of life.

•  Had surgery previously, but were disappointed with the outcome.

•  Been through physiotherapy before, and were let down by the lacklustre experience and poor results.

If you have experienced any of the above and you are frustrated by not getting better, we would love to hear from you.

The best place to start is to call us and we can have an honest conversation about what is going on for you and what options you have for recovery.

Click the link below to book a call with us if you would like to get some solid professional advice given to you over the phone. The phone call is complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what to do next for the best.

We do this because we see so many people who are suffering unnecessarily and for too long due to misinformation on the internet, in our culture and even within healthcare professions. We are committed to providing a place where people can have an honest conversation about their health. A conversation founded on listening to you and understanding your concerns and goals, and informed by years of clinical experience and a solid understanding of the scientific research.  

What Can I Do Now To Get Rid Of My Neck & Shoulder Pain?”…

Here are 4 things you can do now:

  • 1. First off, you need to make a decision about getting help and good advice. Because many people aren’t sure what to do next they can procrastinate. Then 6 months later they’re still putting up with their neck & shoulder pain (or it’s got worse) and they’ve limited their enjoyment and participation in an active life.
  • 2. Next, follow the RIGHT advice, movement and exercises – This means advice, exercises and movement that is tailored specifically to you.  One of the best things to help you ease your neck & shoulder pain is to do the right series of progressed exercises. Exercises that you can understand, that fit into your life and get you back to the activities that are important to you. The right exercises given to you by a Physiotherapist will help reduce pain, and quickly allow you to move freely again – and make sure that the problems don’t come back anytime soon (or aggravate your back even more like some exercises do).
  • 3. Avoid sitting and long periods of rest – ever woken up with a stiff, painful neck? Or after a long day spent sitting or driving felt tightness in your shoulders? That’s because one of the worst things you can do that adds to neck and/or shoulder pain is prolonged periods of not moving. Too much rest, and sitting makes your neck feel stiff and tight. It would really help if you were given individually tailored exercises for freer movement, alongside hands-on assessment and treatment, to get you active and healthy as quickly as possible.
  • 4. Get real, scientifically evidence based Physiotherapy – Physiotherapy helps people with neck & shoulder pain. In fact at Orson Wajih Physiotherapy it is one of THE most common problems we help people with. If your neck & shoulder pain is affecting your job, your ability to keep active, if it threatens your independence or gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends – Physiotherapy can help get you back to living the life you deserve as quickly as possible.

If you would like to know how Orson Wajih Physiotherapy can help you live with less neck & shoulder pain – we invite you to start with a completely free, no-obligation, risk free appointment at our physiotherapy clinic in Knightsbridge Central London.

NoteThis Free Discovery Session is something that we offer to people who are very nervous or sceptical about Physiotherapy – unsure of its benefits or if it is right for them. If that sounds like you, then please start with a free taster session so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong and what can be done – without any financial risk on your part.

How Can Choosing to See Orson Wajih Physiotherapy Help You Get Rid of Your Neck & Shoulder Pain – In The Next Few Days?

Our Committment To You:

• We will ensure that any serious medical problem is ruled out, and that all the factors contributing to your neck & shoulder pain are explored and properly addressed. 

•  We will ensure that you have a clear understanding of your problem and your options for recovery. Your treatment alternatives will always be explained to you. You will be able to make an informed choice about the best treatment choices for your recovery and your life.

•  We will only recommend treatments and interventions with scientifically known benefits. We will be transparent about the benefits so you can decide on your plan of care. We will not scare or coerce you into having unnecessary treatment. 

•  Often neck pain has a natural course of healing that requires no intervention other than diagnosis, reassurance, and a clear self-help plan (with as much support as you feel you need to stay on track). 

•  Some people also choose to include treatments with short term benefits to ease their recovery journey. Others choose minimal intervention focusing only on those with long term benefits. 

•  We are committed to providing a place where you can have an honest conversation about your health. A conversation founded on listening to you and understanding your concerns and goals and informed by years of clinical experience and a solid understanding of the scientific research. 

•  Our neck is a naturally strong structure and able to heal. Our goal is to help you to understand and experience your inherent strength and resilience and to empower you to feel confident in your body and health. We are always here to support you but always aim to minimise any need for medical intervention.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Things We Can Do For You:

•  We can quickly get you moving more freely and ease your pain – often in the first couple of sessions.

•  We can give you a clear understanding of exactly what you can do for yourself to help get active and living normally again.

•  We will ensure that any serious medical problem is ruled out, and that all the factors contributing to your neck & shoulder pain are explored and addressed – and we will provide you with the perfect set of individualised exercises that will speed up your recovery. 

  We can help you to sleep and to sit more comfortably, drive for longer than 30 minutes, carry, lift and move without your neck & shoulder feeling ‘weak’ and painful, or feeling like it is going to ‘go out’. (Remember our spine is an inherently strong structure and joints don’t ‘go out’ even though it can sometimes feel that way).

•  Pain can ‘drain’ your energy and disrupt a peaceful night’s sleep – we can help you to enjoy living with more energy each day.

•  We can help you put an end to taking all of those painkillers that are no good for your health long-term.

•  We can help you avoid dangerous spinal surgery – and painful injections.

•  We can help you keep out of the Doctor’s waiting room or from making repeat visits only to be given more pills.

•  We can help you get back to enjoying quality time with family and friends that neck and shoulder pain has stolen from you.

•  We can help you to finally get a good night’s sleep without tossing and turning trying to find that one position that feels right.

Basically, we can help you get back to living life free from the burden of persistent neck & shoulder pain.

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have at our physiotherapy clinic, then please just click the button below and complete the short form.

What Other People Are Saying About Orson Wajih Physiotherapy…

David ended neck pain that made everyday life and driving difficult and is now feeling like himself again.

“I had severe burning pain down the left side of my neck It was like a thousand needles stabbing my neck each time I moved.

To cut the story short, I first saw my doctor who said that it was a strain and that the pain would go away in time …well I waited and the pain did not go away..I had several treatments by therapists of one form or the other but to no avail…..I was starting to find every day chores harder and harder including driving…(By now it was the middle of winter and the cold weather did not help)
However, I continued working through out and one day my boss said why not try his physiotherapist.. I had nothing to lose….

I met Orson Wajih at his practice, who thoroughly checked my neck and back area and after a little hard manipulation of the areas that were the problem I was given a few exercises to do before my next visit…. Four visits / weeks later I was almost back to my pain free self. What most impressed me was with Orson there was no flanneling just facts on how to make things better with a little help.

I have recommended Orson to several of my staff, clients and friends and ALL of them have been most impressed….Especially my partner who has suffered with severe back pain for years to the point of considering surgery…and now with exercises prescribed by Orson, he is so much better..
The moral of this story is DON’T be brushed off when in pain…Orson Wajih is not a miracle worker but the next best thing… “

David E.

Rana overcame neck & shoulder pain and in the process found a ‘life changing’ way to relieve stress

“I had burning pain in my shoulder and neck. I couldn’t carry a bag on my shoulder, even straps from clothes were uncomfortable. After physiotherapy the pain is gone and the breathing exercises you suggested have changed my life! They have helped with anxiety. I am able to fly without needing a pill to relax.”
Rana T.

Mark is back enjoying tennis and yoga with his shoulder feeling ‘stronger than ever before’.

“Since my shoulder was dislocated all those years ago I have never felt secure when using it be it for climbing, tennis or basketball. Recently I hurt that same shoulder playing tennis and I knew I would not be able to play tennis for some time.

My experience over the physiotherapy sessions has been overwhelmingly positive. I now better understand and feel reassured that I need not worry about full usage of my shoulder in the future.

Orson gave me carefully considered exercises that I have been doing on a regular basis and which now have my shoulder where it is stronger than it ever has been before.”

Mark D.

We know you have lots of plans that don’t include being limited by Neck & Shoulder pain. Imagine your life in 3 months without movement limitations, nagging, persistent aches, or stiffness.

What could you be saying YES to, if your neck & shoulder weren’t saying NO?

Can We Help By Listening To Your Story & Giving You More Information? Choose Which Option Works Best For You…


If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet, you might have some questions you would like answered first, so you can be 100% sure that we can help you. Click the button above to fill out a short form to request to speak with a physiotherapist first.


We understand you may want to find out more about the availability and cost of physiotherapy before booking an appointment. Click the button above and fill out the simple form. We’ll be happy to talk to you and determine whether we’re the best place for you (or not).


Are you unsure if physiotherapy is right for you? It could be that you’re not sure if it will help with your problem, or perhaps you’ve had a bad experience somewhere else in the past? If you’d like to come in and see for yourself how we can help, then click the button above and fill out the quick form to request your free discovery visit.